Discussion forum

Course progress overview & advice

by Андрей Стойчев -

Hello everyone,

As the month of August is nearing its end, I decided to take a look at the current course activity levels. Of course, this is the month we usually dedicate to vacation and family time, so it is not unexpected that there are no major moves by the course participants as of yet, but I do greatly apprecate those who have taken the time to get acquaited with the structure and content.

Now it is time to speed up the process. At the end of September, we will take note of everyone's progress and will proceed with certifying those who have completed the course. A minimum pass requirement is that you reach the first major milestone - the evaluation of an existing case study's buidling block. This will bring the digital course in line with its in-person twin brother. We will be very happy if some of you also proceed to the second part, where you can author a case study/building block of your own.

Course completion and certification will give you access to further learning opportunities, and will put you on the list of our closest teching and learning parthers, from where we will be drawing talent for our continuous work on this and other tangential issues.

I leave you now to your last August weekend, and I am looking forward to the interaction in the course. Please do leave a note as a reply to this message - we'd love to hear from you and get to know what's been cooking at your side - professionally (but fresh cocktail recipes are also accepted) ;)